Thursday, February 3, 2011

Conversations with a 4-year-old

Today the conversation in the car with my 4 year old son, went something like this:
Son: "What do ladybugs eat?'
Mom: "I don't know (pause) ... oh wait, aphids.  (What can I say!  Mom's tired.) Ladybugs eat aphids, that's why we put them in the garden.  We put ladybugs in the garden to eat the aphids, so the aphids don't eat the flowers."
Son: "When ladybugs are yellow, then they turn red and we can touch them, and put them on our finger?"
Mom: "Yep."  (I'm guessing, I don't know about the yellow ladybug part.)
Son: "Then they can climb our arm."
Mom: "Yep."
Son: (something about butterflies)
Mom: "Do you know that some butterflies eat meat?" (avoiding the explanation about what carrion is)
Son: "HUH!" (surprised) "What do the ones that eat meat look like?"
Mom: "I don't know."
Mom: "Can Mommy sing her song now on the radio?  Its one of my favorites."
Son: "No.  I want to talk about something you want to talk about."
Mom: (thinking ... okay, how about you getting dressed in the morning without an argument.... but before I can get the words out...)
Son: "Aphids ....(something)".
Mom: "Do you know that worms eat dirt and poop it out?  They are good for our garden."
Son: "Gross...."

Yesterday the conversation in the car with my son, was:
Son: "Why does God give us real food?" "Why does God give us real food and fake food?"
Mom: "Well, our bodies need real food to live."
Son: "And fake food?"
Mom: "So, we have toys to play with."
Son: "Mom, does Heavenly Father need the sun?"
Mom: "Uh... well, He likes the sun.  He made it for us, because we need it.  Not sure if he needs it."
Son: "Does Jesus?"
Mom: "He likes it, too.  Still not sure He needs it."
Son: "Well I don't!!! (as he shields his eyes from the morning sun)
Mom: (Ah!  Now I know where this is coming from!)
Son: "I want it to be dark all the time!"
Mom: "But if its dark all the time, we can't go outside and play."
Son: "Yes we can, if Jesus says so."
Mom: "What about if Mom and Dad say, 'No'?"
Son: "We can if Jesus says so."

This is the part/age that I've always looked forward to.  The part where he is thinking and speaking, and I get to hear what he's thinking.  I don't know how long this period will last --- how long before he decides his mother isn't worth the effort to communicate with, but I love it for as long as it lasts.  Random, creative, curious, and innocent.  And sweet.  Conversations with a 4-year-old.


  1. I enjoyed the conversations with MOST of my children until they left home. There are children who think you're meddling in their business if you ask them to wear a coat!

  2. I enjoyed conversations with all you kids -- except the day you all decided that we should never have read the scriptures together because I didn't understand them. Then I just wished you'd all shut up -- or jump off a cliff -- or, or -- I'll think of something else. LOL!

  3. Yeah, we attempted scripture reading the other night. First night was fine, 2nd night not so good.
