Friday, February 18, 2011

Househusband vs. Housewife

I'd like to celebrate some differences that I have come to love and cherish over the last eight years of marriage.  Differences which I also acknowledge change frequently.

Moving in ... she worries about cleaning out the old dirt left by the previous owners, he worries about changing the locks left by the previous owners.

Cooking dinner ... she worries about whether there are enough fruits & veggies, he worries about whether there is enough meat and if there is bread with the rice dish.

He replaces faucets on a free Saturday.  She displaces cobwebs.

He thinks about mowing "the back 40", she thinks about turning over the garden.

Experimenting in the kitchen ... she cooks vegetarian shepherd's pie, he cooks brussels sprouts.

He makes sure she occasionally receives flowers from him.  She cuts the flowers, fills a vase with water, and puts the flowers on the table.  Then he runs the garbage disposal after she cuts the flowers.  She never will remember, no matter how many times he reminds her.

She makes salad, he runs the garbage disposal.  She cuts apples, he runs the garbage disposal.

She keeps her hair long, he occasionally calls the plumber to clean the shower drain.

He stays home for dinner, she buys Beano for him.

She runs out of hair conditioner, he loses his conditioner to her bathroom.

He replaces the door, and calls the job done.  She worries about the paint and trim.

She cleans out the lint trap, but doesn't replace it.  He envisions dismantling an entire dryer.  She imagines no laundry for a week.  She walks out in the yard, and finds the troublesome socks and dryer sheet.  Marital bliss is restored.

She thinks about a late night blizzard from Dairy Queen, decides he is tired, so she doesn't call -- saving him a few minutes on his drive home.  He's driving home, and thinks about Dairy Queen as well.  Knows his wife would be happy, but he convinces himself out of it.
Eight years -- and we're ALMOST getting the telepathic ice cream request figured out!!!

1 comment:

  1. Yep, by your 25th, you'll be buying each other the same anniversary card.
