
My ongoing list of uniquely quirky definitions.

Child's prayer: Evidence that something good you are doing as a parent is actually getting through to your child.

Child swearing: The first lesson as a parent that everything you do is being watched (and heard).  The reality check that parenting is more than just changing diapers & regular feedings.

Designating power of attorney for health care: In other words, determining who is willing to kill you when the time comes, but isn't already standing in line wanting to do it.

Family prayer: A scheduled family argument each evening where parents try to instill reverence by yelling at children to settle down and stop shoving each other.

Family e-mail:  An effective way for a family to thoughtfully & proactively fight with each other, when they only see each other twice a year.  Also an effective way for families to talk about each other instead of to each other.

Mini-golf: One of the few places where parent and child are on an equal playing field.

Self-sufficiency:  What every functioning & productive adult works for and fights to maintain, but prevents one adult from effectively helping another.  What every parent tries to instill in their children, but the one thing that annoys Mom most when she is tired or rushed.

Sucker: The only parent who pulls out a notepad and pen at the first soccer team meeting.  Yes, thank you, I'm now one of two Team Moms.

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